The Spiralrats

Over the Rainbow Bridge
Rat Care
Rainbow Bridge
Breeder Directory
The Spiralcats

This page is dedicated to just a few of my departed furry friends past and present. You are missed dearly.

Never heard of the Rainbow Bridge? There is a great poem that explains it all, but keep a tissue near-by when you read it.

The Poem



10/30/00-2/17/03  My old man Ric passed away from the effects of old age.  A sweet guy, he was an award winning rattie from a great line, and gave me two wonderful litters.  His offspring are scattered across the Northwest.


Oscar was my mom and her partner's dog, but I dog sat and visited weekly.  He was an adorable dog, forever getting into things or snuggling as close as a 70 pound boxer could get to you on the couch.  Only 18 months old in a tragic and freak accident, Oscar got out of their double gated yard and was hit by a car.  I miss you my Oscar Boxerelli...

5/00-12/20/02  Floyd was a happy coincidence...I got him from a fellow breeder who had to get rid of her rats or face eviction.  Being the big ham he was he definitly grew on me.  He fathered one litter for me, and his offspring are now scattered across the Northwest.

SPR Sari

Best of Reserve 9/01

4/26/01-8/24/02  Sorka died from complications of chronic myco.  She was an award winning rattie, who gave me one wonderful litter.  Her son Saxon still resides here.

SPR Silvi

Silvi Halloween 2000

Silvi died 6/28/02 of complications from a nasal infection/abcess.  She was a sweet gal and gave me one lovely litter.  She along with her sister Saffi were the founding does of my rattery. 

SPR Saffi

6/00 - 3/02

Saffi died 3/22/02 at the age of 22 months of presumed heart failure.  She gave me two excellent litters, and her daughters continue to enrich my rattery and my life.  She was the sweetest rattie with the best personality that I've ever known...I will miss her dearly. 


Ratcat circa 1988 - age 1 year

When I was 11 years old and living in NAVY housing in Florida, a skinny black kitten with big ears and white whiskers walked into my life.  Named Ratcat for his narrow face, ears, and whiskers...he was the epidomy of Rudyard Kipling's "The Cat Who Walked by Himself," who nevertheless adopted me as his special human.  Over 15 years and, numerous moves, apartments, other cats, and eventually roommates later he was diagnosed with chronic renal failure.  He battled it somewhat successfully for 3 months, but eventually the disease got the better of him and his failing body could no longer contain his spirit.  Making the hardest choice I have ever done, I helped him over the bridge January 2002.  He was such a big part of my life, I cannot begin to express how much he is missed.  I had him cremated, and it is my intention that when I die that our ashes will be scattered together so that we can be together forever.

Big Head Todd


Named for the band...Todd's nickname was OddTodd, because of his many odd habits. He loved lying about on his back, consuming large quanities of catnip, draping himself over the backs of chairs, and endearing himself to every human he met. I rescued his pregnant momma, so I had Todd since the day he was born...4 short years ago. My beautiful green-eyed tabby boy suddenly developed congestive heart failure and had to be put to sleep. He is missed dearly... 7/28/97 - 8/7/01